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Youth Development Program Coordinator (St. Albans)

The Youth Development Coordinator (YDC) reports to the Director of the Youth Development Program. They provide a range of age-appropriate case management services for youth with experience in the DCF foster care system. The YDC helps youth achieve an appropriate level of community functioning to ensure a successful transition to adulthood. The YDC will achieve this goal by assessing and assisting youth in identifying their goals; developing a strengths-based plan of care to help them meet their goals; and supporting youth with identifying life-long connections and support.  Case management services will emphasize accessing housing, jobs, education, and the development of strong ties with natural support networks, including families, local community organizations, and other significant adults.

This is a full time exempt position located in St Albans.  We offer a competitive annual salary range of $45,000 – $51,000 and a robust benefits package, including health, dental, vision, and life insurance; HRA; short-term and long-term disability coverage; accrued vacation and unlimited health leave; and a 403(b) retirement plan.

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