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Tag Archives: Parenting

The words you never want to hear a parent say

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Our executive director recently received a note from a mom whose son is consumed with his addiction. “I myself feel very guilty and a failure as parent because I knew this could happen to him. I talked to him about it several times…” she wrote. “But talking and a good family weren’t enough.” You can read Mark’s response in the …
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What Advice Would You Give a Room Full of Parents?


Our Executive Director, Mark Redmond, spoke on Friday, February 6th at the TEDx Burlington event. Mark told a story about how he’d received an email from someone asking, “I am going to be teaching a parenting class at a local school. What advice would you give to a room full of parents?” His answer also …
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How Do You Encourage Resiliency in Your Kids? Park the Helicopter

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There’s been a lot of talk recently about the impact of “helicopter parents” (who hover to protect their kids from negative experiences) on the ability of their kids to handle life’s challenges as they grow up. A growing body of research that tells us how important learning how to tolerate life’s bumps is to healthy …
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