Need Help Now?
If you are between the ages of 12-30
and need help, click here.
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Need Help Now

If you are in crisis and are not a Spectrum client:

Call HowardCenter’s 24-hour hotline, First Call at (802) 488-7777.

If you are in crisis and a current counseling client:

Call us at (802) 864-7423 x310. After hours, please call us at (802) 350-6748.

If you are in crisis and a current residential client (ages 16-23):

From 9am to 5pm call us at (802) 864-7423 x302.

After 5pm, call us at (802) 864-7423 ×202.

If you need housing (ages 16-23):

Call us at (802) 864-7423 x302, or fill out this form.

If you’d like to schedule a counseling appointment (ages 12-30):

Call us at (802) 864-7423 x310.

Other Resources

For information on local services, please dial 2-1-1 or visit

For resources for youth all over Chittenden County along with articles on such topics as how to budget, get a license, renew a green card, get a birth certificate, etc, please visit