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Our Programs

Trabajos de detalle

Detail Works is a full-service car detailing enterprise that employs young people in a supportive atmosphere to help them build on-the-job skills for future success.


Deluxe car detailing for social good.

Launched in 2017, Detail Works is a social enterprise designed to help young people build the soft skills and trade skills they need in the workplace.

At Detail Works, we employ young people to give them progressive, on-the-job experience. In our car detailing shop, we emphasize attention, communication, and accountability, and give youth a chance to try out these skills in a safe environment.

When you send your car to Detail Works, you’re investing in the success of our youth.

“It is inclusive here. Welcoming…..I don’t feel scared to be here…..It is preparing us for jobs outside of Spectrum.”

– a youth staff member at Detail Works
(Photo credits: James Buck/Seven Days)
For More Information About Detail Works:
Call (802) 497-2296

To Make An Appointment

Please pulse aquí.

Find us at:

22 Avenue C
Williston, VT 05495 (map)
