Ma u Baahan Tahay Caawimaad Hadda?
Haddii aad u dhexeyso da'da 12-30
oo aad ubaahantahay caawimaad, halkan guji .
Ku deeqo

Fursadaha Shaqada

Ku biir koox xamaasad leh, ka go'an, iyo dad madadaalo leh oo u heellan hubinta in dhallinta iyo dhallinyaradu ay heli karaan caawimo marka ay aadka ugu baahan yihiin. Spectrum, hadafkayagu waa inaanu abuurno jawi ay shaqaaluhu ku dareemaan taageero iyo caafimaad, qaban karaan shaqadooda ugu fiican, oo ay helaan wakhti ay ku raaxaystaan noloshooda shaqada ka baxsan.

Dhaqanka Spectrum waa mid loo dhan yahay, iskaashi, iyo madadaalo toos ah mararka qaarkood. Saddexdii sano ee la soo dhaafay, shaqaalaheenna waxay u codeeyeen Spectrum mid ka mid ah meelaha ugu fiican Vermont ee laga shaqeeyo! Nagu soo biir. Waxaad gacan ka geysan kartaa hagaajinta nolosha dhallinyaradeena oo aad yeelato xirfad aad jeceshahay.

Faa'iidooyinka : Shaqaaluhu waxay xaq u leeyihiin 27 maalmood oo fasax ah oo isku dhafan iyo waqti fasax ah (oo loo qoondeeyay shaqaale waqti-dhiman ah), fasax caafimaad oo aan xadidnayn, qorshe hawlgab 403b, lacag celin waxbarasho, sabti afar toddobaad ah lixdii sanoba mar, iyo yoga bilaash ah xubinnimada Sangha.

Shaqaalaha wakhti buuxa ah (in ka badan 30 saacadood/toddobaadkii) waxay xaq u leeyihiin caymiska ilkaha, aragga, iyo caafimaadka. Spectrum waxay bixisaa 90% ee lacagta caymiska shaqsiyaadka, iyo 80% dhammaan heerarka kale ee caymiska.

Kala duwanaanshiyaha, Sinnaanta, iyo ka mid noqoshada: Spectrum waxaa ka go'an in ay abuurto oo ay ilaaliso bulsho ay dhalinyarada iyo dadka waaweyn ee dhammaan haybadaha kala duwan loola dhaqmo si ixtiraam, sharaf, iyo sinaan iyo bulsho ka madax banaan miisaanka nacaybka, takoorka, iyo cabsida. Si aad u akhrido dhammaan Bayaanka Kala-duwanaanta, guji halkan .

Macluumaadka Ilaha Aadanaha, fadlan halkan noogu soo dir

Daawo muuqaalkan gaaban oo maqal shaqaalaha sababta ay u jecel yihiin ka shaqaynta Spectrum!

Boosaska Furan:

Nightly Shelter Youth Coach

Drop-In Center Youth Coach – Burlington (Wednesday-Sunday)

Drop-In Center Youth Coach – Burlington (Monday- Thursday)

Nightly Shelter Youth Coach

These positions are eligible for a $5,000.00 sign-on bonus.

Youth Coaches provide support for youth staying in the Nightly Shelter. As an important part of the shelter’s community, you’ll help youth achieve housing stability, heal from trauma, and accomplish their goals. Youth Coaches are timely and effective communicators, supportive and engaging, and are excited about making a difference! The ideal candidate will have a passion for working with youth, knowledge of best practices in youth development, and a desire to make a positive difference in their lives. If this sounds like you, we would love to hear from you.

There are permanent full and part-time evening and awake overnight positions available. Full-time positions are eligible for an excellent benefits package and part-time positions qualify for Paid Time Off and unlimited Paid Health Leave.

The hourly rate for these positions is $21.00, with a $2 shift differential for the evening shift, and a $4 shift differential for the overnight shift.

Full-time Awake Overnight

Isniin - Jimco 1:30 subaxnimo - 9:30 subaxnimo, 2 boos.

Part-time Awake Overnight – Weekends

Sabti - Axad 1:30 subaxnimo - 9:30 subaxnimo, 2 boos.

Drop-In Center Youth Coach – Burlington (Wednesday-Sunday)

Youth Coaches are the primary, frontline staff in the DropIn Center. They provide brief interventions, screening, resource coordination, referrals, and case management to youth being served in the Spectrum DropIn Center. The Youth Coaches are young adults who are at least 18 years old and need to be healthy role models for the youth being served. This is a nonexempt full time position, Wednesday, half day 2:00 – 6:00 pm and Thursday – Sunday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm which pays $21.00 plus a $2.00 per hour differential on Saturday & Sunday and is eligible for an excellent benefits package.

Drop-In Center Youth Coach – Burlington (Thursday-Monday)

Youth Coaches are the primary, frontline staff in the DropIn Center. They provide brief interventions, screening, resource coordination, referrals, and case management to youth being served in the Spectrum DropIn Center. The Youth Coaches are young adults who are at least 18 years old and need to be healthy role models for the youth being served. This is a nonexempt full time position, Thursday – Sunday 9:00 am – 6:00 and Monday, half day 9:00 am -6:00 pm which pays $21.00 plus a $2.00 per hour differential on Saturday & Sunday and is eligible for an excellent benefits package.