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Mipango Yetu

Makazi yanayoungwa mkono

Spectrum provides emergency shelter and transitional housing for homeless and at-risk youth through programs designed to help youth transition to and maintain a healthy and stable life.

These voluntary programs serve about 100 young people each year and are located in downtown Burlington.

Nightly Shelter

Spectrum’s youth Nightly Shelter is a 10-bed, emergency shelter for youth ages 18-24. The shelter opens at 5pm in the evening and closes at 9am every morning. While staying at the Nightly Shelter, Spectrum staff can support youth in making referrals to other Spectrum programs, accessing case management support, and identifying additional basic needs resources in the community. There is no referral process, and youth can access the shelter on a first come, first served basis. Youth are encouraged to visit the Burlington Drop-In Center to learn more, or call the Nightly Shelter Coordinator, 802-825-1556.

The shelter operates in the building at 179 South Winooski Avenue in Burlington.

The Landing

The eight-bed Landing is a short-term housing option for homeless youth ages 16-23. Each room has two beds, and residents share a common living, kitchen, and dining area.

Formerly called the shelter, the Landing provides safety, basic needs, resources, and support for youth while they develop a plan to address their immediate needs, future goals and permanent housing.

Pearl Street Residence

Spectrum’s Pearl Street Residence is a partnership with the Vermont State Housing Authority. This programs helps youth develop independent living skills and provides a bridge to self-reliant living through a structured and supportive community. The program is entirely voluntary.

The residence has private individual rooms, shared bathrooms, a common kitchen and dining area, and living room. All youth enter into an individual housing lease with and are responsible for paying an adjusted amount of rent based on income, as determined by the Vermont State Housing Authority.

The Pearl Street Residence serves youth ages 18-23 who meet the eligibility criteria outlined by the Vermont State Housing Authority.

Youth who successfully complete one year in the program are eligible for a Section 8 voucher, which provides subsidized rent to the holder based on income.

Housing Crisis

For a housing crisis, call (802) 864-7423 x302 during business hours, and (802) 864-7423 x202 for non-business hours.

Do you or does someone you know need housing? Fill out the Spectrum Housing Referral Form and return form via email, fax, mail, or drop-off to:

Sara Brooks, Lead Intake Coordinator
Landing & Pearl Street Residence
177 Pearl Street
Burlington, VT 05401
Phone: 802 864-7423 x 302
Cell: 802-343-2208
Fax: 802-540-3008


For More Information About Our Housing:
Call (802) 864-7423 x302

To Reach the Nightly Shelter:
Call (802) 825-1556

Kutoka Habari