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WE NEED YOUR HELP! Last year Spectrum testified on a bill to create an Office of the Child, Youth, and Family Advocate in the House Human Services Committee.  This bill will make sure there is a place for parents and children to voice their concerns when they believe they are not being treated fairly and their rights are being violated—something we all need!

NOW, the bill is being heard in the Vermont State Senate. It is currently in Senate Health & Welfare Committee.  Please help by reaching out to the members of that committee and your State Senators to share your reasons for supporting this important bill. You can email or call, all of the contact information is on their committee page.  

Need help with what to say? Feel free to use this letter below, written by one of our Spectrum staff member:

Dear [State Senator],

I am writing regarding the H.265 bill to create an Office of the Child, Youth and Family Advocate. 

I strongly support that the State of Vermont needs an Office of the Child Advocate, as it is essential that we support young Vermonters to lead lives full of dignity.

An Office of the Child Advocate creates opportunity for transparency, strengthens research-based practices through data collection, and encourages trauma-informed opportunities for youth to communicate their experiences to a third party.

Supporting H.265 means prioritizing the well-being of Vermont’s children and youth. An Office of the Child Advocate creates space and opportunity for Vermont’s marginalized youth to receive the care they deserve.

An Office of the Child Advocate encourages accountability and transparency in the services that the State of Vermont delivers. An Office of the Child Advocate upholds, listens to, and honors the voices of our youth.


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