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وتحتاج إلى مساعدة، انقر هنا.
حياة السود مهمة | لا يوجد إنسان غير قانوني | مرحبًا بالمثليين والمثليات ومزدوجي الميول الجنسية والمتحولين جنسيًا ومزدوجي الجنس والمتحولين جنسيًا

50 Stories for 50 Years of Spectrum

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In honor of Spectrum’s 50th Anniversary in 2020, we are collecting stories from those who have used our services, or had a connection to Spectrum over the last 50 years—clients, family members, mentors, and community leaders. This website is a place to share these stories over the next year.

A special thanks to all of YOU—our donors, volunteers, mentors, partners, current and former clients—for making sure help is there for teens and young adults who are struggling.

Want to share your story? Share online by clicking here or contact Charlotte Steverson at csteverson@spectrumvt.org.

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