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Gifts in Wills

Your legacy gift will help young people for years to come.

Imagine a future where young people have shelter, food, and the support they need to build a better future for themselves.

You can make sure young people get the help they need long into the future by including Spectrum in your Will.

Every gift made—no matter how big or small—will help make sure youth can get help when they need it most for years to come. All you need to do is to include this information in your will or bequest:

“I give and bequeath unto Spectrum Youth & Family Services, tax ID #03-0253232, $______ or _______% to be used for general purposes.”

There are plenty of other ways to leave a legacy while still making sure your family and loved ones are taken care of, such as through life insurance or retirement account. 

We’re including Spectrum in our will because we believe in the work being done. We want to see young people cared for when we are no longer here. 

Bill and Marion Mohri

Other Ways to Give

Other common ways to leave a legacy gift include designating Spectrum as a life insurance or retirement account beneficiary. 

Spectrum has also partnered with the Vermont Community Foundation to offer Charitable Gift Annuities, along with Charitable Remainder Trusts and Charitable Lead Trusts. These mechanisms offer ways to give through your will, living trust, retirement plans and other mechanisms that may provide fixed income back to you or a loved one for life.

Click here to download a fact sheet on gifts in wills.

Contact Us 

For more information on how to accomplish your goals and leave a lasting gift for teens and young adults at Spectrum, please contact our Director of Development:

Sarah Woodard
Director of Development
swoodard (at)
(802) 864-7423 x350