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Schools Show Students Can Change Lives

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Schools Show Students Can Change LivesBrowns River Middle School

Browns River Middle School has already demonstrated it is full of community-minded students willing to go the extra mile to help a worthy cause by participating in other group fundraising type activities.

So it was no surprise that it only took one call to Greg Martin, a Browns River Guidance Counselor, for them to jump on board. Greg tells us why he decided to host a Student Sleep Out and how he is planning the event at his school.

What made you say yes to a Student Sleep Out at your school?
We knew about the success business leaders have had at the past two Spectrum Sleep Out events in downtown Burlington, where they raised awareness of the serious issue of youth homelessness and raised money to help change the lives of these youth. We thought we could build on this success, while showcasing the fact that young people can also make positive differences within their communities.

Who did you need to get approval from to host the event at your location?
Our School Administration, who was supportive from the start.

What are your goals for the event?
To raise awareness and money, and to have FUN!

What kind of program do you have planned?
We are still working on the program for the evening. I am working with a parent who will help facilitate a discussion about the issue of homelessness and ways kids can have a positive impact for the future.

Where are you Sleeping Out and who will be joining the students?
We are requiring a parent or guardian join their child in sleeping out in tents at BRMS. We will be camping on the front soccer field with roadside exposure!

How do you plan to spread the word and fundraise?
We have a student voice radio program – so we’ll be doing public service announcements. I’ll also be making announcements in school, writing an article in the River Raider, and visiting class rooms.

Have you set a fundraising goal for your team?
Yes, $2,000!

Do you anticipate how many students will sleep out?
We’re hoping 40 students will sleep out!

Do you have any advice for other youth groups who are thinking about hosting their own Sleep Out?
Stop thinking about it – DO IT!

If you are interested in getting your school, church or community group involved, please register at:

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