Today marks one year since the tragic and senseless death of George Floyd. His death was a wakeup call for many people across the United States and around the world, but for Black Americans it served as yet another reminder of what they already knew.
As the voices and experiences of Black Americans have begun to be prioritized, there has been a shift in many people’s views on policing. However, there is still much to be done.
We cannot simply view this case as closed and return to “business as usual” just because George Floyd’s killer has been found guilty– “business as usual” is not safe for the Black community. That is why we are happy that Vermont lawmakers have declared May 25 a Day of Remembrance and Action.
As we reflect on the past year, we must recommit ourselves to uplifting Black voices and working to assure that our communities are a safe place for all. It is a small but important step in moving towards that goal.
It is important for Spectrum to contribute to this change. We will continue to attend to this work, engage in discussions about racial injustice, and most importantly, critically evaluate our work and role in the community.
There is always room for more people in the fight for racial equity. If you are looking to get involved in efforts happening locally, here are some groups you can connect with: