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Your support makes a difference!

Your support makes a difference!

Read this letter from Spectrum’s Executive Director, Mark Redmond,
about the impact of your giving.

There are many reasons why the media is full of bad news these days. But one of the reasons is that some of the best news often comes in the shape of something ordinary.

A few weeks ago, I was in line at the Department of Motor Vehicles. I looked up and our eyes met—a young woman who had come to Spectrum for help nine years ago. She was homeless at that time, and, at age 18, had just been released from a psychiatric facility.

The woman lived in our shelter and then moved to one of our residences. Our staff helped her secure a job, open a bank account, and learn the independent living skills she needed to live on her own.

We recognized each other right away and had a great conversation. She updated me on her life – she has two little boys, a job and an apartment.  (“Do your boys get along?” I asked her with a smile, and she replied, “Sometimes!”)

No drama. No bad news. Just the beauty of ordinary, everyday life. I gave her a hug and told her how proud I am of her and of who she has become.

It’s a fantastic feeling, and you should feel this way too, because when you contribute to Spectrum, you are just as much a part of this young woman’s success as we are.

Avec gratitude,

Mark Redmond
Directeur exécutif

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