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Category Archives: Mentoring

“I will succeed!”

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Mentor pair Rajnii and Ethan went to Montpelier, VT last week for the Mobius Mentors Mentoring Celebration at the statehouse, and they had a blast! They kicked off the ceremony at the statehouse with a Mentor Rap. They taught the audience how it went, and then performed it.
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“The best four years of my life.”

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Bob Wheel was named Vermont Mentor of the Year. He wrote this blog post to thank the Spectrum community. “Without your generous and gracious support, the past four years would not have been nearly as exciting for Ryan and me.”
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Friendship Begins with Mentoring

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Recently, Vermont author Chris Bohjalian sat down to talk with Bob and David, members of Spectrum’s mentoring program. They began as mentor and mentee, but now they’ve been friends for 12 years. Bob and David went fishing together, watched movies, and even taught him how to parallel-park. But that wasn’t all. In David’s words, “Bob …
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