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र मद्दत चाहिन्छ, यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुहोस्
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  • A sign at the Spectrum Youth & Family Services Drop-In Center in Burlington, VT on Thursday, April 20, 2017. (James Buck Seven Days) COURTESY NON-PROFIT / PERSONAL USE HANDOUT - FOR COMMERCIAL, NEWS, OTHER USE PLEASE CONTACT JAMESKBUCK@GMAIL.COM
Our Programs

सीप कार्यक्रमहरू

Spectrum offers several programs that help young people learn to navigate the challenges associated with transitioning to independent adulthood.

These can include learning how to find a job, going to and paying for college, learning how to drive, or managing personal finances.

“Spectrum was life-changing for me… I wouldn’t have successfully gotten through high school or learned to live independently… I felt like I had a family away from my family. Everyone cared about my well-being so much.”


Compass Program

This program works with youth ages 12-22 who are at risk of becoming involved with the justice system or foster care, are homeless, pregnant or parenting, or otherwise facing a crisis. Click here for the full Program Description.

Our team will work with the youth (and their families if available) to help them become more stable and gain access to supports and services that can help them get their lives on track. We typically meet with youth and their families more than once per week for about six months. Click here to download the referral form.

Contact: 802-864-7423 x310 or referrals@spectrumvt.org.


युवा विकास कार्यक्रम

This program offers case management services to about 120 youth ages 14-23, who are, or have been, in foster care or state custody through the Department for Children and Families (DCF) in Chittenden, Franklin, and Grand Isle Counties. Click here for the full Program Description.

Our goal is to help these youth transition to a self-sufficient and thriving adulthood by working with them to set and accomplish goals in budgeting, education, employment, health, housing, legal, parenting, relationships/permanency and transportation. We also work with DCF to offer extended care services, including housing agreements, to keep youth in stable placements. Click here to download the referral form.


  • 84 Pine Street, 4th Floor, Burlington VT, 05401
  • 223 Lake St, St. Albans, 05478


802-864-7423 x310 or referrals@spectrumvt.org.


Jump On Board for Success Program (JOBS)

The JOBS program is an innovative, intensive case management program for young adults ages 16-26, which promotes healthy transitions to independence using employment as the catalyst for progress.

The program focuses on young adults who have multiple barriers to success, such as those who are experiencing mental health and/or substance abuse challenges, have dropped out of school, are at risk of homelessness, are exiting the foster care system, or have been involved in the correctional system.”

Through this program, we focus on supporting young adults with finding and keeping stable, competitive, fulfilling employment, while working to overcome barriers which jeopardize successfully transitioning into adulthood.  We believe that a positive work experience is crucial in providing the confidence, increased self-esteem, and financial security necessary to make a successful transition into adulthood and independence.

The JOBS program is a collaboration between Spectrum, HowardCenter, and HireAbility.


84 Pine Street, 4th Floor, Burlington VT, 05401


Gina D’Ambrosio, 802-864-7423 x337 or gd’ambrosio@spectrumvt.org.


बहुसांस्कृतिक युवा कार्यक्रम

The Multicultural Youth Program (MYP) works with young adults from diverse backgrounds who self-identify as multicultural.

Our goal is to help them connect to resources, services, and programs in the community, develop leadership and peer mentoring skills, and gain the knowledge, life skills, and encouragement to success on their particular paths of education and growth.

Click here to learn more about MYP!


Zeynab Kouyate, 802-864-7423 x428 or zkouyate@spectrumvt.org.


Other Resources

  • For youth ages 14-24, our Drop-In Center offers classes on topics such as life skills, job readiness, parenting, or safe dating, along with help with applying for jobs or state benefits, or finding a place to live. For more information, stop by the Drop-In, email dropin@spectrumvt.org, or call 802-864-7423 x222.
  • ImpactVT.org lists resources for youth all over Chittenden County along with articles on such topics as how to budget, get a license, renew a green card, get a birth certificate, etc.
For More Information on YDP:
Call (802) 864-7423 x221

For More Information on JOBS:
Call (802) 864-7423 x337

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