Ten More Beds!
Thanks to you, ten beds line the walls at the warming shelter in downtown Burlington. The shelter opened in early November and will close at the end of March.
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Thanks to you, ten beds line the walls at the warming shelter in downtown Burlington. The shelter opened in early November and will close at the end of March.
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I am doing horrible because everybody is supposed to be happy around the holidays but all I feel is empty. I can’t speak for everyone, but to me the holidays are just a big, national reminder of what’s missing and what I can’t get back.
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As Will Towne, our supported housing supervisor, put it, “We’ve been full pretty much every single night, which is great, the word is getting out, but it also goes to show that there’s a need for increased services.”
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Our friends at Dealer.Com partnered with the incredible Lux Barber Shop to offer free haircuts for our youth. Thank you!
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The final stage of just about anything you will ever do in life is acceptance. In this particular writing, acceptance came when I decided I wasn’t going to write about what was easy, I was going to write about what I know.
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